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Careapy® – Character Education for Normal People with Normal Concerns

Overcoming Depression

This program is an audio recorded version of an Evening with Glenn public seminar


Money Makeover

This program is an audio recorded version of the money makeover series.



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Transformation Soul

Heal, forgive and integrate life’s lessons. Live with more enthusiasm, honesty and love.


Positive Parenting

This program is an audio recorded version of a six week parenting course written, developed.


Dynamic Relationships

Relationships are ever changing. Bring more love, excitement and satisfaction into yours.



Welcome to the Careapy® Learning Channel where you are encouraged to initiate your own character education personal transformation and healing process.

Barbara and Glenn Smyly founded the Alivening Project Inc. in 1982, with the vision of empowering people to create relationships which are more alive, happy, healthy and in love. As a result of their combined strengths, personalities, love and talents, tens of thousands of people have benefited from their seminars, workshops, consultations, rebirthings, and books.

The course work provided here has empowered thousands of people over many years regain the power to self-heal, self-sooth and it can help you as well.

The course work is provided in modules which contain audio recordings of live public seminars written, developed and facilitated by Barbara and Glenn Smyly. Each module consists of a number of twenty minute course units which you can listen to on any of your electronic devices and in the privacy of your home, your car or even when you are relaxing at the beach.