Teaching Kids Dilligence

Most of us use the words diligence and persistence as synonyms for hard work but diligence is so much more than this because the rewards are instant and what teen doesn’t want an instant reward? Teaching teens diligence in their study habits, personal hygiene and...

Teaching Children Generosity

As the saying goes, “generosity begins at home.” Any parent will tell you they are, by the very fact that they are parents, generous (sometimes to a fault). Teaching children generosity helps them to assimilate the fact there are others around them for whom they must...


“Courage: mental or moral strength, to venture, persevere”. It takes a lot of courage these days to raise our children, or so it seems at times.  Just as we have been taught to be courageous, to take risks, to put ourselves in new positions and situations not always...

Teaching Children Gratitude

As many parents are coming to realize, we are our children’s constant teachers. From birth throughout life, we are teaching by example those values which we hold dear. As children grow into their own independent lives, the virtue of gratitude becomes increasingly more...

Child’s Play

 CHILD’S PLAY by Barbara J Smyly – Copyright Protected Child’s play is important to all families. In this the age of the expert, there seems to be a solution to every problem we as adults can muster up. If we feel stress, we exercise more; if our spouse is being...