
Hello to all my fellow parents.

Parent’s I would like to ask that you consider for inclusion in the “Monthly Minder” a series of informative guidelines for parents to practice some of the virtues which I have taught in public, private, and religious schools . I believe it would make parents feel more included in the virtues program and assist the children in integrating those virtues which we have set forth as being important for this year. 

I am presenting our program called “Parents Corner” primarily to support parents in being informed about the importance of Character Education Programs which have begun in schools, churches and youth groups nationwide.  The “Parents Corner” is primarily a “tickler” to give parents an age based context for teaching character at home with a few simple suggestions to keep foremost in their minds the importance of translating and communicating their own moral values and virtues to those young minds they are charged with.  It is a way for parents to participate in their children’s education on a day to day basis, thus enhancing what they are learning at school.   

I am offering to provide a “Parents Corner” for both upper and lower school campuses once a month highlighting the value of the month for $250 per month.  The normal royalty fees are $1.00 per copy per “Parents Corner” with a minimum of 500 copies.  The “Parents Corner” can be delivered the first of each month via e-mail, computer disc or hard copy depending on the printer’s preference.  The “Parents Corner” is copyright protected.  Each issue of “Parents Corner” is licensed for printing only for the month used and cannot be reused without prior written permission.   

I have spoken with both Ms. Lachicotte and Mrs. Garcia regarding the upcoming virtues for November and have included for your review the “Parents Corner” on both topics as well as the December “Parents Corner” for the lower school

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As always, I have a gazillion suggestions about how “to do”  this program but have stuck to the topic at hand in a diligent effort to contribute and support  my children’s school.   Thank you for your serious consideration of including the parents in the virtues program and giving them a new way to support what their children are learning in your capable hands.  I am confident your parents will more appreciate what you do as a result.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. 


Barbara J. Smyly

“Parents Corner”

Character Ed. Div.